Oceania Masters Athletics (OMA) has announced the dates for the 2025 OMA Championships for the 22 member countries in the Oceania–South Pacific region.
President Cameron Burrows said the 2025 OMA Championships would be in Brisbane from 6-10 September.
The venue will be the State Athletics Facility at Nathan which is part of the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC), Queensland’s premier athletics facility.
Mr Burrows said this would return the OMA Championships to the alternate year to the World Masters Athletics (WMA) Outdoor Championships. This year they were held in Gothenburg, Sweden and will next be held in Daegu, South Korea, in 2026.
“We had an OMA Championships in Suva, Fiji, in June this year, but this was out of sync with the previous alternate year schedule,” Mr Burrows said.
“With competition to be held over five days, we are hopeful that the 2025 Championships in Brisbane will attract several hundred competitors, and that as many countries as possible from the Oceania region will be represented.
“OMA has also unveiled the association’s new logo to distinguish us from the Oceania Athletics Association (OAA). As OMA is separate from OAA, having our own logo helps make that distinction clear,” he said.
Mr Burrows said the new logo design reflected dynamic, athletic spirit. The use of ochre orange, turquoise and lime green colours represented the natural landscapes of the Oceania region. The new logo features on the OMA website at www.oceania-masters-athletics.org