Registrations are open for the Oceania Masters Athletics (OMA) official 2025 Championships being held in Brisbane in early September.
Masters athletes are invited to register for the 5-day competition, along with Officials and Volunteers invited to register their interest to support the big event at the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre from 6-10 September 2025.
We also invite para-athletes of a Masters aged (30 years and over) to register for competition, as this is the first time at an international Masters athletics championship that masters-aged para-athletes categories will be incorporated into the 5-day program.
Long-term supporters of Masters athletics events, EMLSports is on board handling registrations, making the process familiar to many, as well as easy and straightforward to choose your events and pay via credit card.
As registrations flow in up to 25 July when they close, EMLSports will publish the entrant list and athletes will see who else is travelling from affiliated clubs from 22 member countries across the Oceania–South Pacific region.
To register to compete, athletes must be a current financial member of an affiliated country’s Masters Association, and entrants must wear their approved National masters uniform during the competition.
Find out more about Championships at: Oceania Masters Championships 2025